Global CHRO program – Professional Director Training | Pro CHRO

This Program is designed to help Human Resource leaders enhance their leadership, and management skills and deepen their knowledge in the field of Human Resource Management and Employee Development Strategies that are paramount in the Era of Industry 4.0

111 learning hours with + 16 different case studies, 74 recapturing Videos, 37 hours

Overview of Global CHRO program – Professional Director Training | Pro CHRO

The Chief HR Officer program specialization is aimed at Senior Human Resource Managers and for those who are assuming the leadership position in the Human Resources as well as key strategic collaborators for the CFO, CEO, or the Board of Directors in companies regarding the HR Recruitment and Development Strategy.

Corresponding to the rapid evolution of Industry 4.0 and digital advertisement development with legal and regulatory framework changes constantly, the education and training team brings together alumni network, global partners, experts, and experienced HR management leaders.

You will therefore further enhance your selling knowledge and develop fundamental management skills that are compatible with your business strategy. The Program covers a wide range of areas such as Leadership, HR management, quality control, and governance in alignment with corporate strategy, tasks performance assessment, leadership & sustainable Human Resources training, and development. Emphasizing the case-study methodology, this program uses a variety of interactive training methods to prepare for your role as Human Resources director in collaboration with various senior managers within the company. The program also features Workshops with high-level Global HR managers who will share their experience and insight into their career pathways, as well as their innovative ideas and discuss practices that have contributed to their success.

Course Outline

35 sessions • 105 hours total length
  • Competencies and Authorities of a CHRO
  • Effective Leadership and Visionary Roadmap, Identity and Motivation
  • Ethical and Responsible Decision-Making
  • Creating a Positive Corporate Culture and Attracting Talent
  • Driving Innovation and Steering Strategies
  • Developing a Professional Career Plan for Staff
  • Communicating Effectively with Stakeholders
  • Inspirational Leadership
  • Business Management for a Better Working Environment
  • Practicing Sustainability Vision, Responsibility, Professionalism, and Code of Ethics
  • Organizational Structure of the Human Resources Department
  • Performance and Efficiency Evaluation System
  • Designing and Structuring Your Team for Excellence
  • The Manager’s Toolkit: A Practical Guide to Managing People at Work
  • Managing Employee Performance – Effective Assignment of Tasks and Deployment of Workforce
  • Recruitment Evaluation; Human Resources Development and Training
  • Organisational Management and Adaptation Management
  • Building a Personal Brand of Integrity and Trustworthiness
  • Handling Sensitive Employee Relations Issues and/or Sensitive Data Issues Requiring Discretion
  • Effective Professional Communication
  • Modern Human Resources Development and Training Models
  • Development, Implementation, and Evaluation of Human Resources Trainings
  • Planning, building, and developing a successful Human Resources Department
  • Boosting Human Resources Quality and Motivating the Workforce
  • Recognizing Opportunities and Addressing Difficulties to Support Strategic Goals of Hiring, Engaging, Developing, and Retaining Exceptional Talent.
  • Implementing Strategies to Develop Talent and Developing an Employee-Centered, High-Performance Culture that Emphasizes Excellence and Collaboration
  • Development of New People-Related Systems, Processes, and Metrics That Support the Achievement of Staff
  • Leading The Design and Implementation of Training, Mentoring, and Professional Development and Succession Plans.
  • AssigningTasks and Deploying the Workforce Effectively
  • Competencies and Authorities Framework for Staff
  • Projects and Tasks Evaluation Standards
  • Advanced Performance and Quality Monitoring
  • Applying IT in Performance and Efficiency Evaluation System
  • Project Planning, Management, and Evaluation
  • Organisational Management and Adaptation Management
  • Organizational architecture and KPIs
  • Overseeing the Performance Management Process and Facilitate Improvement of Performance Management Systems
  • Recruitment Planning Procedure according to Corporate Strategy
  • The importance of Workplace Culture for Attracting Talent
  • Employer Branding Development – Develop Employer Branding for Use in Talent Acquisition and Retention
  • Talent Acquisition and Workforce Attraction
  • Recruitment Evaluation and Decision making
  • Managing the Recruitment, Selection Process, and Orienteering Processes
  • Internship, Probation Performance Evaluation
  • Talent Acquisition and Workforce Attraction
  • Planning and Organizing for Supervisors
  • Overseeing the Internship Performance Management Process and Facilitating Improvements for Probation Performance Management Systems
  • Legal Systems and the Role of Regulation
  • Agency and Employment Law
  • International Commercial Law
  • Intellectual Property Rights
  • Corporate Law
  • Free Trade Agreements and Trade Treaties
  • Competition Law
  • Labor Law
  • Social Insurance Policies
  • Introduction to Labor Law and Social Security Law
  • Labor Contract and Labor Termination Procedures
  • Provide Tools and Guidelines to Support and Implement Policies and Procedures, Domestic and International Employment Agreements
  • Tax Administrative Procedure Reform
  • Tax Regulatory Compliances (PIT and Social Securities)
  • Guiding principles of operational accounting and payroll services
  • Establishing Policies and Procedures for The Payroll Function
  • IT Applications in relation to Payroll Services
  • Leading the Implementation of Processing, Validating, and Producing Accurate Pay to Employees in Accordance with Company Policies
  • Salary Policies and Impacting Factors
  • Salary System and Salary Structuring Procedure
  • Payroll Services and Salary Organizational Budgetary Planning
  • Promotion and Compensation Policies
  • Managing Employee Welfare, Wellness and Health Programs
  • Workplace Management for Better Working Conditions
  • Effective Professional Communication
  • Oral Presentation and Report Editing Methodology and Practices
  • Oral Expression, Public Speaking and Negotiation Strategy
  • Maintaining Pleasant Working Environment
  • Building Positive Corporate Culture
  • Encouraging Staff to Participate in Open Discussions
  • Facilitating Professional Development, Training, and Certification Activities
  • Maintaining the Integrity of all Human Resources Programs and Ensuring Alignment with the Company’s Mission and Values
  • Developing Strategic Corporate Culture Development
  • Developing, Recommending, and Implementing Personnel Policies and Procedures
  • Developing, Creating, Maintaining Corporate Visions and Values
  • Identifying Roadmap for Employees Recruitment and Development Policies

Course Outcomes

This program helps the participants to enhance their competencies in leadership, strategy, and governance to drive efficiency, better operational performance as well as better human resource quality management of the enterprise.

You will begin to build and strengthen a robust set of key competencies related to the human capital management and control activities to deal with major requirements of deployment and assignment of the corporate workforce within the company:

  • Formulating and implementing strategic visions for human development based on the company operations model
  • Implementing project budget planning
  • Assessing cohesion between the strategic recruitment plan and the long-term vision
  • Evaluating the collaboration quality between various departments; conducting comprehensive and effective professional communication across departments and with the Board of the Directors

You will master the following potential

Module 1: Overview of Competencies and Authorities of the CHRO

  • Gaining perspective on the definitions of competencies of a CHRO
  • Enhancing potential leadership skills
  • Having a better understanding of corporate culture and its application to operation process and Enterprise Change Management
  • Understanding the importance of Innovation in achieving your goals
  • Growing awareness of the ethical and responsible working environment

Module 2: Effective Human Resource Management Practices

  • Engagement and interpersonal skills development
  • Improving team dynamics through self-awareness
  • Having a better understanding of team innovation and motivation
  • Enhancing performance management skills
  • Succession Planning: Identifying and nurturing the team talent
  • Boosting the team development

Module 3: Human Resources Development and Training

  • Understanding essential operations of the Human Resources Department
  • Having knowledge in developing Human Resources Training Models
  • Excelling in core competencies to evaluate Human Resources training
  • Mastering skills in attracting talent and promoting Human Resources Quality

Module 4: Operational Efficiency Analysis and Performance Evaluation

  • Advancing essential skills in deploying appropriate workforce for specific tasks
  • Improving competencies to develop a professionalism roadmap for staff
  • Utilizing different methodologies in evaluating project performance
  • Applying IT and AI in assessing performance and efficiency

Module 5: Recruitment and Recruitment – Employer’s Branding

  • Improving competencies in implementing a recruitment strategy
  • Radiating the enterprise’s brand to the views of employees and potential candidates

Module 6: Recruitment and Assignment – Training and Guidance

  • Utilizing different methodologies in evaluating internship and training evaluation
  • Boosting the employees’ performance

Module 7: Business Law for CHRO

  • Gaining knowledge of Business Law to guide your business’s strategic direction, mitigate risk and make better-informed leadership decisions
  • Identifying the pros and cons of various business structures
  • Understanding the legal duties a business leader may have
  • Understanding the structure and components of contracts to prepare for successful business deals
  • Defining practices necessary to comply with employment law

Module 8: Taxation and Tax Consultancy for CHRO

  • Understanding the Annual Tax Finalization Procedures
  • Understanding Taxation Regulatory Compliances
  • Comprehending payroll services

Module 9: Building Compensation and Competitive Salary Policies

  • Developing effective compensation policies to attract talent
  • Improving the employees’ welfare

Module 10: Communication and Methodology for CHRO

  • Mastering essential skills in communicating with different stakeholders
  • Acquiring competencies to keep the working environment comfortable and pleasant for staff

Module 11: Identifying and Developing Corporate Culture

  • Understanding the relationship between culture and the organization.
  • Understanding of key characteristics of organizational culture.
  • Identifying the different images of organizations.
  • Comprehending the cross-cultural advantages.

CHRO Certificate by AIMT

Achieve an AIMT Executive Education Certificate upon successful completion of the program. As an alumnus of this transformative program, you get exclusive access to a wide range of professionals, events, and networking opportunities. Furthermore, you can also benefit from additional tuition assistance on enrolling in further online electives from AIMT.

This Certificate is aimed at leaders and managers who have attended the full courses and passed the assessment to be well prepared to lead change and the transformation organizations in order to create core values for the enterprise regarding the HR Strategies

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